We will regularly update this page with information relating to the Controlled Parking Zone. It is our aim to provide you with fair and impartial information. Some information is available from third-party websites.

  • Barnet Council’s website states: “A Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) is an area where parking is only permitted in designated parking bays and the remainder of the kerbside space is subject to yellow line restrictions”

  • The Government has established the objectives. Click here for more information: “Civil parking enforcement should contribute to the authority’s transport objectives. A good civil parking enforcement regime is one that uses quality-based standards that the public understands, and which are enforced fairly, accurately and expeditiously.”

  • The Government states that it should not be used as a way of raising money.

    However, Barnet Council received approximately £21,000,000 total parking revenues in 2022/23, with approximately £10,000,000 of that as surplus. £13,000,000 surplus revenue was reported in 2021/22 .

    HM Government - “For good governance, enforcement authorities need to forecast revenue in advance. But raising revenue should not be an objective of civil parking enforcement, nor should authorities set targets for revenue or the number of Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) they issue.”

  • Barnet Council undertook an ‘informal consultation’, however, there is concern within our community that the consultation was not truly representative and that the results had been misrepresented. Councillor Alan Schneidermann committed to another consultation at the Town Team meeting on 11 April 2024, but there has been no communication from the Council since then

  • The costs are unclear at this stage. However, each vehicle will require a paid-for permit or an exemption.

  • Following pressure from the local community, the Council ‘paused’ the rollout. However, since pausing the scheme back in February 2024, the Council has failed to communicate directly with residents the current status of their proposals.

  • Elected Members of Barnet Council are ultimately responsible for decision-making. Council officers may be able to make certain decision, but that is only by way of delegated authority and are always accountable to councillors.

  • We invite you to complete our survey, the results of which will be presented to Barnet Council. We want to give the local community the ability to share their views.