Privacy Policy

We are two community campaigners, Edward Butler and Susannah Hall, with the aim of undertaking a community-led consultation.

The information we collect will be held securely and will be obtained solely for the purposes of the survey on the East Finchley Controlled Parking Zone.

We share the names and addresses of those who complete the survey with the London Borough of Barnet (which we are not affiliated to). This is done to allow the survey to be validated.

This website is an independent non-partisan and non-political engagement platform. Information supplied by anyone interacting with us will not be shared with any political party or third-party organisation, except as above when information required for the purpose of validation will be shared with the London Borough of Barnet.

Contact information such as telephone numbers and email addresses will not be shared with anyone. You are able to make a request at any time to see what information we hold about you and request that it be deleted. This can be done by contacting